The Mummy Returns
Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
Set in 1933, 10 years after the events of the first film. Rick O'Connell is now married to Evelyn and the couple has settled in London, where they are raising their 8-year-old son Alex. The corpse of Imhotep is resurrected in the British Museum and the mummy walks the earth once more, determined to fulfill his quest for immortality.
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16 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Thin action/CGI pabulum, though redeemed by some nice one-liners, and by Freddie Boath's performance as the cute, clever, cheeky boy. Without Freddie's contribution, though, it would scarcely be very satisfying for anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together.
My Movie Rating:

Really enjoyed Freddie Boath in this film.
Fun Saturday Matinee film.
Freddie was very 'cheeky' in the film and
was great!
My Movie Rating:

Another of these good adventure films only this sequel to 'The Mummy' has Freddie Boath to entertain us. Boath is a relatively unknown cute moppet of a boy actor who bounces around the screen, playing his part as Rick O'Connell's son with ease. A good romp and wonderfully watchable.
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Page Last Modified: 25th April 2022
Page Added: 19th April 2002
Page Views: 13366
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Silly little film, though Freddie Boath is a delightful, energetic presence. See The Night of Counting the Years instead.
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