Mitt liv som hund
AKA: My Life as a Dog
Country: Sweden
Genre: Drama
Set in Sweden in 1959. 12 year old Ingemar lives with his brother and his terminally ill mother. He is sent away to stay with relations for the summer where he meets various odd characters including his uncle, a trapeze artist, a buxom nude model, and a girl named Saga (who tries to pose as a boy in order to be included in their boxing, and eventually becomes Ingemar's friend). The boy develops a simple but profound philosophy: no matter what happens to him, "It could have been worse."
- Directed by Lasse Hallstr?m, adapted from a popular autobiographical novel. It was voted best Swedish film of the year in it's own country; and the film's young star, Anton Glanzelius was voted Best Actor.
- In America, the film received the 1988 Golden Globe for best foreign film, and Hallstr?m was nominated for two Academy Awards, one for Best Director and one for Best Screenplay based on Material from Another Medium.
- Anton Glanzelius was voted the Best Young Actor in A Foreign Film at the Youth in Film Awards.

- Anton Glanzelius
(Ingemar) - Tomas von Brömssen
- Anki Lidén
- Melinda Kinnaman
- Jan-Philip Hollström
(Manne) - Tony Rix
(Boy) - Manfred Serner
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A Swedish classic with outstanding performance from Anton Glanzelius.
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Page Last Modified: 1st March 2017
Page Added: 19th April 2002
Page Views: 14576
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Strong performances throughout and good cinematography. The plot is unfocused with several underdeveloped recurring motifs: dogs, breasts, space, soccer, boxing... meanwhile, several minor characters were ignored.
Weirdly, Ingemar always seemed to have a girl on his arm, but no male companions. Even his brother was rotten and needlessly hostile. The cruel and unhinged Saga must have appealed to Ingemar because on an unconscious level she brought to mind the unstable mother.
I can see why this film is highly regarded, yet it definitely rubbed me wrong the way.
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