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Il relitto

AKA: The Wastrel

Country: Cyprus, Italy

Genre: Drama, Psychological Drama



When the wealthy and self-serving Van Heflin sets out on a perilous ocean voyage with his son (Michael Stellman), an accident causes the boat to explode, throwing them both into the sea, with only debris to keep them afloat. Whilst they drift on the ocean, Bell thinks back over his troubled life, particularly on how his alcohol problem poisoned his relationship with his wife.


  • Based on the 1949 novel "The Wastrel" by the American author Frederic Wakeman (1909-1998)
  • The original title of this film is Italian for "The wreck".
  • This film was entered in the 1961 Cannes Film Festival, where it competed against 29 other films for the Palme d'Or (which was won jointly that year by Henri Colpi's "Une aussi longue absence" and Luis Bu?uel's "Viridiana").

Reviews and Other Resources

Picture for Il relitto


  • Van Heflin
    (Duncan Bell)
  • Ellie Lambeti
    (Mrs. Bell)
  • Michael Stellman
    (Bell's Son)
  • Franco Fabrizi
    (Rudi Veronese)
  • Fosco Giachetti
    (Captain Hugh Hardy)

Page Last Modified: 24th June 2020
Page Added: 24th June 2020

Page Views: 2354

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