The Day The World Ended
TV Movie
Country: USA
Genre: Sci-Fi
A killer alien, who is just misunderstood, is devouring people. A school psychologist investigates the death of a student's mother and finds the boy believes he is the son of the being. His earthling father is also a doctor who has the boy in his care and holds that it is all in the boy's imagination.

- Randy Quaid
- Nastassja Kinski
- Bobby Edner
(Ben Miller/McCann) - Harry Groener
- Lee de Broux
- Stephen Tobolowsky
- Brandon DePaul
(Frankie Carter) - Alexander Gould
(Young Ben)
BoyActors Reviews
10 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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A very poor attempt.I liked Bobby but do not think he did his best.

Bobby Edner and Randy Quaid were great in this thriller
My Movie Rating:

Bobby Edner - who he? I had never seen or heard of this boy actor before seeing this film directed by an Englishman, Terence Gross. I thought Edner played his part well and, yes, the alien was a bit daft. I wondered if the ending was making way for a sequel.
My Movie Rating:

Bobby is the only reason I watched this poor excuse for a movie, I give the 5/10 to Bobby, if it wasn't for his performance, I'd given it a 1/10 and pushed the "Don't Bother" button!
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 25th April 2022
Page Added: 2nd January 2002
Page Views: 19519
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