Slums of Beverly Hills
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Vivian's family are penniless nomads, moving from one cheap flat to another in Beverly Hills so she and her brothers can attend the city's schools. Uncle Mickey sends them money to survive. When Mickey's daughter Rita runs away from an asylum, Vivian's dad offers shelter to her if Mickey will pay for a plush flat. Vivian must babysit her adult cousin, making sure she gets to nursing school and avoids pills and booze. But Vivian has her own problems: she's curious about sex, likes an older neighbor kid, has inherited her mother's ample breasts, and wants a family that doesn't embarrass her.
BoyActors Reviews
11 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Eli is very cute in this story, I love the scene where he is jumping all over the older brother in the bedroom!
I watched the movie just to see Eli, and I will again when every time it comes on tv!
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This sort of humour is not to everybody's taste, but it certainly suits mine.
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Page Last Modified: 25th April 2022
Page Added: 16th December 2001
Page Views: 12641
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