Je suis le seigneur du château
AKA: I'm the King of the Castle
Country: France
Genre: Drama
Thomas is the 10-year-old son of a wealthy widower who lives in a mansion surrounded by woods in France. When his mother dies, his father hires a widowed housekeeper who has a son, Charles. The two boy immediately become rivals. Thomas turns Charles' life into hell staking his claim as 'king of the castle' but Charles is more resourceful than Thomas imagined.
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BoyActors Reviews
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A riveting tale of jealousy, hatred and unspoken desire between two boys thrown together by their parents' courtship. What is interesting is that, in comparison with the novel on which this story is based, the relationship between the two boys is imbued with much more of a homoerotic or 'homo-affective' subtext. The acting of the two boys is outstanding, and the film is without doubt a masterpiece.

Page Last Modified: 25th April 2022
Page Added: 27th October 2001
Page Views: 19424
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You know it's a great movie when some scenes get stuck in your head for days and days..