Kindergarten Cop
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
John Kimble is a tough city cop who's been on the trail of drug dealer Cullen Crisp for years. He finally tracks Crisp down but it seems the only person that can testify against him is his ex-wife. The problem is she's disappeared and all Kimble knows is the name of the school in Oregon where her son attends. When things don't quite go to plan, Kimble finds he has to go undercover on his toughest assignment yet - Kindergarten teacher!
- This film had a sequel entitled Kindergarten Cop 2 (2016).

- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Penelope Ann Miller
- Joseph Cousins
(Dominic Palmieri/Cullen Crisp Jr.) - Christian Cousins
(Dominic Palmieri/Cullen Crisp Jr.) - Miko Hughes
(Joseph) - Ross Malinger
(Harvey) - Jason Reitman
(Kissing Boy) - Peter Rakow
(Joshua) - John Christian Graas
(Kevin) - Ian Baumer
(Sam) - James Chance
(Matthew) - Adam Wylie
(Larry) - Ben Diskin
BoyActors Reviews
19 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I've seen this movie many times and always enjoy it.
My Movie Rating:

I've always liked Arnold's movies, I like this one too, it's just not one of my favs. If memory serves, this was his first attempt at comedy! he did well, and the boys were very cute! but, except for the Cousins' twins, they were little more than scenery, I thought the cutest one was the boy that thought the teacher might have a tumor!
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 7th November 2018
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 13792
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