The Boy
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
A young American named Greta takes a job as a nanny for an 8-year-old boy in a remote English village. To her surprise, Greta learns that the child of her new employers is a life-size doll. They care for the doll as if it was human, which helps the couple to cope with the death of their own son 20 years earlier. When Greta violates a list of strict rules, a series of disturbing and inexplicable events bring her worst fears to life, leading her to believe that the doll is alive.
- This film had a sequel entitled Brahms: The Boy II (2020).
Reviews and Other Resources

- Lauren Cohan
(Greta Evans) - Rupert Evans
(Malcolm) - Jim Norton
(Mr. Heelshire) - Diana Hardcastle
(Mrs. Heelshire) - Ben Robson
(Cole) - Jett Klyne
(Brahms the Original Human Child) - Lily Pater
(Emily Cribbs)
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 18th March 2020
Page Added: 30th July 2019
Page Views: 2797
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The mansion in which this movie is set had a quite sumptuous, gothic look, the doll does get to seem quite creepy, and the plot (despite certain implausibilities) did carry me along. However, I was a little disappointed by the 'reveal' at the end, the overall narrative was quite undistinguished, and the 'jump scares' are such as any viewer familiar with the genre could see coming well in advance. A rather unremarkable, forgettable film - though maybe my horror palate has just become too jaded!
N.B. Jett Klyne only appears in old photos in this movie, not in person.
My Movie Rating: