Edges of the Lord
Genre: War Drama
In a compelling performance filmed just prior to "A.I.", Haley Joel Osment is Romek, a twelve-year-old Jewish boy from Krakow hiding out with a rural Catholic family. Romek soon finds himself in a fragile position with the children of the village, who don't know whether to view the newcomer as a friend or a rival. In a catechism class taught by the local priest (Willem Dafoe), Romek meets Maria, a precocious thirteen-year-old, whose romantic interest sparks some of the film's surprising twists and turns.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Haley Joel Osment
(Romek) - Willem Dafoe
- Liam Hess
(Tolo) - Richard Banel
(Vladek) - Wojciech Smolarz
BoyActors Reviews
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superb movie!

Good movie

Page Last Modified: 8th October 2008
Page Added: 1st October 2001
Page Views: 26230
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