Historia kina w Popielawach
AKA: History of Cinema in Popielawy
Country: Poland
Genre: Drama
In the 1960s, 10-year-old Staszek (Tomasz Krysiak), the narrator of this film, is sent to visit his grandparent's village of Popielawy, where he writes in his diary about his school-friend J?zef (Michal Jasinski). J?zef comes from a family of blacksmiths, all of whom bear the name Jozef. Since he is the sixth consecutive son to be called J?zef, he is nicknamed Szustek ("The Sixth"). Roughly one hundred years before - a quarter of a century before Edison and the Lumi?re Brothers - the first J?zef invented a cinematographic apparatus by which he was able to project images drawn onto the bladders of fish and pigs, making them 'come to life'. A hundred or so years later, and J?zef's descendent Szustek is determined to re-construct this apparatus, despite the opposition of his father, who is equally determined that the boy follow his forefathers and become a blacksmith.
- This film is available on (Region 2) DVD (Amazon UK links at top right of this page), albeit without English subtitles.

- Michal Jasinski
(Szustek, Józef Andryszek VI) - Tomasz Krysiak
(Staszek) - Krzysztof Majchrzak
(Józef Andryszek V) - Bartosz Opania
(Józef Andryszek I) - Grazyna Blecka-Kolska
(Chanutka V) - Joanna Orleanska
(Chanutka I) - Franciszek Pieczka
(Uncle Janek) - Mariusz Saniternik
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Page Last Modified: 14th August 2021
Page Added: 18th May 2019
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Extraordinarily beautiful. Probably among my top 20 favourite films ever.