Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
The misadventures of five siblings, whose mother goes off on a two month vacation, leaving them under the care of a geriatric babysitter. The babysitter dies, and the fun begins. The oldest sibling, Sue Ellen, is left to fend for her younger siblings, who fight her every step of the way.
- Christina Applegate
- Joanna Cassidy
- Keith Mitchell [ALUMNUS]
- Josh Charles
- Christopher Pettiet
(Zach) - Robert Hy Gorman
(Walter Crandell) - Danielle Harris
BoyActors Reviews
13 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average Rating: (5.85 / 10)View All Member Reviews/Ratings & Stats
Most recent review listed first
The story centers mainly on Applegates character, she a funny actor, loved her in Married With Children, and does well in this movie, Robert was watchable, found myself feeling sorry for him when he broke his leg! Christopher was very delicious eye candy! Keith was funny! "Rock and Roll Dude!"
My Movie Rating: 6 / 10Page Last Modified: 11th October 2014
Page Added: 22nd September 2001
Page Views: 14234
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