Die Brücke am Ibar
AKA: My Beautiful Country
Country: Germany
Genre: War Drama
During the 1999 civil war in Kosovo, a young Serbian widow puts her family in danger when she takes in a wounded enemy soldier.
- Written and directed by Michaela Kezele, who also wrote and directed the short film Milan (2007)
- Winner of several awards, including the Juried Gold Award for Best Picture at the 2013 Stony Brook Film Festival, the Seepro Project Accelerator Award for Best Cinematography in a Feature Film at the 2014 South East European Film Festival (Los Angeles), and the prize for Best Young Director at the 2013 Bavarian Film Awards
- The (Region 2) DVD release of this film (Amazon UK link at top right of this page) does not include English subtitles.
Reviews and Other Resources
- English
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BoyActors Reviews
2 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Michaela Kezele's second collaboration with the talented boy actor Andrija Nikcevic. A bit derivative but pretty good nonetheless.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 25th March 2022
Page Added: 7th May 2019
Page Views: 2828
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