Det hemmelighedsfulde X
Silent Film
AKA: Sealed Orders
Country: Denmark
Genre: Drama
As war is declared, Lieutenant van Hauen (played by the film's director, Benjamin Christensen) is called up to command a battleship, and is handed sealed orders by his father, Rear Admiral van Hauen. However, these orders are intercepted by an enemy spy who has inveigled his way into the affections of van Hauen?s wife. When Lt van Hauen is accused of treason, his wife and son must race against the clock to save him from the firing squad, by decoding a mysterious "X" that the spy scrawled on a document.
- AKA "The Mysterious X", "Sealed Orders" and "Orders Under Seal"
Reviews and Other Resources
- Benjamin Christensen
- Karen Caspersen
- Otto Reinwald
(Lieutenant van Hauen's eldest son) - Fritz Lamprecht
- Amanda Lund
- Bjørn Spiro
(Johnny, Lieutenant van Hauen's youngest son)
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 10th July 2022
Page Added: 9th March 2019
Page Views: 2383
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Remarkably assured first feature with a melodramatic but effective plot that Christensen apparently wrote in one night, high production values -- the Danish film industry was a big deal at the time -- and innovative use of light and shadow. Otto Reinwald has an important role.
My Movie Rating: 9 / 10