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The Old Man and the Sea

Country: USA

Genre: Adventure, Drama



An old Cuban fisherman (Spencer Tracy) hasn't caught anything in 84 days. Despite the devotion of a young boy (Felipe Pazos Jr.) who brings him coffee and food, the fisherman fears he has become perpetually unlucky. However, on the Old Man's 85th day out, he finally hooks a huge marlin, which he then tries to haul in from far out from the shore. For three days and nights he battles the fish, in a trial of mental and physical courage that becomes, for him, the ultimate test of his worth as a man.


  • Based on the 1952 novella of the same name by American author Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)
  • This was the first of three screen adaptations of Hemingway's novella, the other two being the 1990 TV movie of the same name, and the 1999 animated short film of the same name.

Reviews and Other Resources

Picture for The Old Man and the Sea


  • Spencer Tracy
    (The Old Man)
  • Felipe Pazos Jr.
    (The Boy)
  • Harry Bellaver
  • Don Diamond
    (Café proprietor)
  • Don Blackman
    (Arm wrestler)

BoyActors Reviews

1 member reviews/ratings for this Movie

Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings

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My Movie Rating: Red StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed StarRed Star 6 / 10
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Page Last Modified: 8th March 2019
Page Added: 8th March 2019

Page Views: 2852

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