Short Film
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Arden is an introverted kid living in a strict Catholic orphanage in the 1960s. Insecure about his voice, he pretends to sing during choir practice. With the arrival of Mr. Stevens, the new music teacher, his pretence is discovered, and the duo start to work together. However, as the boy becomes more confident about his singing, the Mother Superior in charge of the orphanage becomes increasingly concerned about the changes in Arden's personality that his relationship with Mr. Stevens is bringing about.
Reviews and Other Resources
- Jonah Beres
(Arden) - Austin Iredale
- Kate Fuglei
- Dan Colman
- Gloria Gruber
- Carson Severson
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first
It would seem this film needed more time to develop the characters and the story. It was sad but, after all, the boy still managed to get into the choir and Mr Stevens was still in charge so, perhaps, things can go further. Good acting from Jonah Beres.
My Movie Rating: 5 / 10This is another one of those "jumping-to-conclusion" films. Arden's singing began to improve being coached by the new music teacher, but then the nun in charge of the orphanage stepped in and assumed wrongly about this relationship between man and boy. I fully realize some men do have those intentions but the percentage is quite low (about a fraction of 1%) but to day in our more restrictive society we are brainwashed into believing that all men (NOT women) are that way. This film is very reminiscent to the movie "This Special Friendship" which resulted in tragedy all because those in authority made a decision that was based on false assumptions.
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10Page Last Modified: 2nd April 2022
Page Added: 5th March 2019
Page Views: 3265
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