Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Country: UK
Genre: Fantasy
Rescued from the outrageous neglect of his aunt and uncle, a young boy with a great destiny proves his worth while attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...
Reviews and Other Resources

- Daniel Radcliffe
(Harry Potter) - Rupert Grint
(Ron Weasley) - Emma Watson
- Tom Felton
(Draco Malfoy) - Richard Harris
- Maggie Smith
- Alan Rickman
- Ian Hart
- Robbie Coltrane
- Richard Griffiths
- Fiona Shaw
- John Cleese
- John Hurt
- Harry Melling
(Dudley Dursley) - James Phelps
(Fred Weasley) - Oliver Phelps
(George Weasley) - Matthew Lewis
(Neville Longbottom) - Jamie Waylett
(Vincent Crabbe) - Joshua Herdman
(Gregory Goyle) - Devon Murray
(Seamus Finnigan) - Luke Youngblood
(Lee Jordan) - Alfred Enoch
(Dean Thomas)
BoyActors Reviews
15 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Harry Potter's a phenomenon for good reason.
My Movie Rating:

Once Daniel Radcliffe put on his glasses he was made for this part. Along with Rupert Grint, as his friend and sidekick, this is a wonderful boy film and must be one of the most famous. However, Tom Felton playing the nasty Draco was also rather noticeable with his attractive blond hair. It would have been good to see him and Harry Potter having a young wizard battle with their wands and magic. A well made film although Radcliffe came under criticism for a somewhat wooden performance. However, I was so enchanted by him I failed to notice.
My Movie Rating:

When I first saw Tom Felton in this movie, I thought he was Claude Jarman Jr. (The Yearling 1946) Incarnate! I love this first edison of the H.P. series it's my fav. one of them!

Page Last Modified: 20th April 2022
Page Added: 25th August 2001
Page Views: 14628
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