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The Father Thing

TV Episode

Country: UK, USA

Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller



11-year-old Charlie (Jack Gore) has a close and loving relationship with his father. One night, while camping out, they see glowing orbs slowly falling from the sky, which the radio news the next day reports were meteorites. But after witnessing late at night his father apparently being attacked by an alien being, Charlie is uncertain that his father is who, or what, he appears to be - and he is not alone...


  • Broadcast as Season 1, episode 7 of the science fiction television anthology series "Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams"
  • Based on the 1954 science fiction short story "The Father-Thing" by American writer Philip K. Dick (1928-82)
Picture for The Father Thing


  • Jack Gore
    (Charlie Cotrell)
  • Greg Kinnear
    (Charlie's Father/The Father Thing)
  • Jack Lewis
    (Dylan Peretti)
  • Zakk Paradise
    (Henry Peretti)
  • Mireille Enos
    (Charlie's Mother)

Page Last Modified: 3rd July 2018
Page Added: 3rd July 2018

Page Views: 3273

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