Nicholas Nickleby
Genre: Drama
After the death of the family patriarch, young Nicholas Nickleby and his sister Kate are forced to split up by Nicholas' cold-hearted uncle Ralph, with Nicholas being sent to teach at Dotheboys Hall run by the brutish Wackford Squeers. There, he makes friends with a youth named Smike (Jamie Bell). When Smike is captured attempting to run away, Nicholas protects him from the ire of Squeers and decides to break free from the school with the boy. Reunited with his sister, can Nicholas protect the people he loves and free his family from the power of his uncle?
- Based on "The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" (published 1838-1839) by Charles Dickens (1812-1873)

- Charlie Hunnam [ALUMNUS]
(Nicholas Nickleby) - Nathan Lane
(Vincent Crummles) - Jim Broadbent
(Wackford Squeers) - Christopher Plummer
(Ralph Nickleby) - Jamie Bell
(Smike) - Barry Humphries
(Mrs Crummles) - Romola Garai
(Kate Nickleby) - Hugh Mitchell
(Nicholas Nickleby, as a Boy) - Jordan Calvert
(First Boy) - Joel Pitts
(Second Boy) - Alfred Harmsworth
(Young Smike) - Heather Goldenhersh
(Fanny Squeers) - Bruce Cook
(Little Wackford Squeers)
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Page Last Modified: 3rd February 2025
Page Added: 30th June 2018
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Actually, having watched it a second time (on blu-ray this time) my estimation of this film has gone up. It is a gorgeously colourful and good-looking production, Charlie Hunnam certainly has the wide-eyed innocence necessary to his character, and Jamie Bell makes a charming Smike. Most enjoyable.
My Movie Rating: