Don Bosco
TV Movie
AKA: Saint John Bosco: Mission to Love
Country: Italy
An epic movie in two parts chronicling the life and work of the great Italian priest Don Giovanni (John) Bosco (1815-88, canonised 1934), who dedicated his life to helping the homeless, outcast boys of Turin, whilst facing opposition from secular society as well as from within the Church.

- Flavio Insinna
(Don Giovanni Bosco) - Lina Sastri
(Margherita Bosco) - Charles Dance
(Marchese Clementi) - Fabrizio Bucci
(Bruno) - Brock Everitt-Elwick
(Giovanni Bosco, as a Boy) - Alessandra Martines
(Marchesa Barolo) - Arnaldo Ninchi
(Pope Pius IX) - Lewis Crutch
(Domenico Savio) - Jonathan Smulders Cohen
(Boy who falls over)
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Page Last Modified: 25th April 2018
Page Added: 25th April 2018
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A good movie, though I prefer the 1988 film about the saint. One difference between the two films is that in the 1988 film Don Bosco is very tactile and physically affectionate with his boys. In the 2004 movie, by contrast, he hardly touches them - you'd think they had leprosy or something. This no doubt reflects a shift in our culture between the 1980s and the 21st century, and it is a sad indictment of western 'civilisation' (ha ha ha) that normal affection is now regarded with suspicion.
My Movie Rating: