One Day I'll Become...
Short Film
Country: Slovakia
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a little boy on a desert planet dreams of becoming a Jedi knight...
- Duration: 11 3/4 minutes
- Directed and produced by Roman Gregoricka, who is also the voice of the Droid
- This film had its official premi?re on December 11, 2017 at the Mackaf? ('Cat Caf?') in Bratislava, before being published three days later on the internet. The Mackaf? is a place where customers can drink their tea or coffee whilst petting cats that the caf? has rescued from abandonment and which are free to roam about the shop and interact with the customers.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Samuel Borcin
(Gifted Boy) - Samuel Michalak
(Friend) - Mya Javorková
(Mother) - Andrej Kákoš
(Sith) - Martin Jancina
(Jedi) - Petra Jurinová
(Radio - voice only) - Roman Gregoricka
(Droid - voice only)
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

Gorgeous and made with obvious love.
My Movie Rating:

Way better than any of the actual Star Wars prequels. Beautiful cinematography.

Page Last Modified: 26th July 2019
Page Added: 6th January 2018
Page Views: 6839
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