TV Movie
Country: UK
When a trio of witches tells returning warrior Macbeth that he is fated to become King of Scotland, but that Banquo's seed will reign afterwards, he and his wife attempt to fulfil the first part of the prophecy by murdering King Duncan. Once the crown is theirs, they seek to protect it through embarking on what quickly becomes a blood-soaked reign of terror. In order to forestall the second part of the witches' prophecy, they send assassins to murder Banquo, but his son Fleance escapes. Hearing that Macduff, Thane of Fyfe, has fled to England, Macbeth sends assassins to murder Lady Macduff and her son (Crispin Mair). As Lady Macbeth descends into madness, Macbeth goes out to meet Macduff, confident of his invulnerability due to a further prophecy - that he cannot be killed by any man of woman born. Unfortunately for him, Macduff has a nasty surprise in store...
- Shown as Season 6, episode 2 of the "BBC Television Shakespeare", a series which ran from 1978 to 1985, and succeeding in adapting all 37 of Shakespeare's plays for television.
- Nicol Williamson
(Macbeth) - Jane Lapotaire
(Lady Macbeth) - Mark Dignam
(Duncan) - James Hazeldine
(Malcolm) - Ian Hogg
(Banquo) - Alistair Henderson
(Fleance) - Tony Doyle
(Macduff) - Tom Bowles
(Donalbain) - Jill Baker
(Lady Macduff) - Crispin Mair
(Son to Macduff) - James Bolam
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Page Last Modified: 8th December 2017
Page Added: 8th December 2017
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Good BBC Shakespeare with not much in the way of cuts and with Crispin Mair making a welcome appearance.
My Movie Rating: 9 / 10