TV Movie
AKA: Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny
Country: USA
Genre: Biography, Historical Drama
The last four years of the life of Grigori Rasputin, healer to Alexei Nikolaevich (Freddie Findlay), the heir apparent to the Russian throne.
- Winner of numerous awards, including a Golden Globe for 'Best Miniseries or Television Film' (1997)

- Alan Rickman
(Grigori Rasputin) - Greta Scacchi
(Tsarina Alexandra) - Ian McKellen
(Tsar Nicholas II) - Freddie Findlay
(Alexei) - David Warner
(Dr. Botkin) - John Wood
(Prime Minister Stolypin) - James Frain
(Prince Felix Yusupov) - Ian Hogg
(Purishkevich) - Sheila Ruskin
(Princess Marisa) - Peter Jeffrey
(Bishop Hermogones) - Julian Curry
(Dr. Lazovert) - István Bicskei
(Derevenko) - Tamás Tóth
(Young Rasputin)
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Page Last Modified: 28th October 2017
Page Added: 28th October 2017
Page Views: 3844
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Fairly thickly fictionalised HBO treatment with some richly beautiful depictions of Russian Orthodox cathedral services and palace interiors. They must have had a great art department. Alexei Romanov is one of those royals who exercise considerable fascination, like the Empress Elisabeth of Austria, who was the subject of three romanticised 'Sissi films' in the 1950s. Here Alexei narrates, and it's an intelligent narration by Freddie Findlay; a pity then that Findlay doesn't have more to do, as the meat of the screenplay goes to the adult actors, with the Tsarevitch little more than a plot device.
My Movie Rating: