Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Corky Curtiss (Robert Blake), a Texas mechanic and race-car driver who is obsessed with his sport, is loved by his wife and admired by the neighbourhood boys. But when he is fired from his job for attempting to injure a co-worker, he abandons his wife and kids to go on a road trip with his best friend Billy (Christopher Connelly).
- Robert Blake
(Corky Curtiss) - Charlotte Rampling
(Corky's Wife) - Patrick O'Neal
(Randy) - Christopher Connelly
(Billy) - Pamela Payton-Wright
- Ben Johnson
- Laurence Luckinbill
- Paul Stevens
- Kevin Abell
(L.D.) - Brad Greenstreet
(Reese) - Matt Nelson Karstetter
(Boy at Swimming Hole) - Richard McGough
(Boy at Swimming Hole) - Gregory G. Jones
(Boy at County Fair - uncredited) - Jeron Liverman
(Youngest Son - uncredited)
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 29th September 2017
Page Added: 25th September 2017
Page Views: 4111
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A fairly boring movie. The most entertaining scenes are those at the river when Corky encounters a couple of boys skinny dipping and he decides to join them. An older brother turns up with a shotgun and interrupts proceedings.
My Movie Rating: 5 / 10