The King of Kings
Country: USA
Mary Magdalene becomes angry when Judas, now a follower of Jesus, won't come to her feast. She goes to confront Jesus, but when she meets Him, she repents her wickedness and becomes His follower. Thereafter, the Gospel story unfolds through the Ministry, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of Jesus, all witnessed by Jesus' devoted follower (and future evangelist), the boy Mark (Micky Moore).
- The second in Cecile B. DeMille's biblical trilogy, preceded by "The Ten Commandments" (1923), and followed by "The Sign of the Cross" (1932).

- H.B. Warner
(Jesus, the Christ) - Dorothy Cumming
(Mary, the Mother) - Ernest Torrence
(Peter) - Joseph Schildkraut
(Judas Iscariot) - Jacqueline Logan
(Mary Magdalene) - Rudolph Schildkraut
(Caiaphas, High Priest of Israel) - Victor Varconi
(Pontius Pilate, Governor of Judea) - William Boyd
(Simon of Cyrene) - Micky Moore
(Mark) - James Neill
(James, Brother of John) - Joseph Striker
(John, the Beloved) - Robert Edeson
(Matthew, the Publican) - Sidney D'Albrook
(Thomas, the Doubter) - David Imboden
(Andrew, a Fisherman) - Charles Belcher
(Philip) - Clayton Packard
(Bartholomew) - Robert Ellsworth
(Simon, the Zealot) - Charles Requa
(James the Lesser) - John T. Prince
(Thaddeus) - Kenneth Thomson
(Lazarus) - Alan Brooks
(Satan) - Leon Holmes
(Imbecile Boy) - Billy Naylor
(Boy Watching Jesus Fix Doll - uncredited) - Ray Erlenborn
(Boy - uncredited) - Jack Fife
(Boy - uncredited) - Kit Wain
(Boy - uncredited)
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Page Last Modified: 27th February 2018
Page Added: 19th September 2017
Page Views: 2859
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