Little Annie Rooney
Country: USA
Joe Kelly, the leader of a gang called Big Kelly's, and the young man on whom Annie Rooney (Mary Pickford) has a crush, is falsely accused of shooting Annie Rooney's father.

- Mary Pickford
- William Haines
- Walter James
- Gordon Griffith [ALUMNUS]
- Carlo Schipa
- Spec O'Donnell
(Abie) - Hugh Fay
- Vola Vale
- Joe Butterworth
(Mickey) - Eugene Jackson
(Humidor) - Oscar Rudolph
(Athos) - George Bookasta
(Boy Who Yells 'Cops!') - Robert Gordon
(One of the Boys) - Newton House
(One of the Boys) - Freddie Jackson
(One of the Boys) - Albert Schaefer
(Chubby kid) - George Ward
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Page Last Modified: 19th March 2022
Page Added: 6th September 2017
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Superbly crafted. Joe Butterworth, an actual Irish immigrant, is striking in his smallish role as Mickey Kelly. The grown-up Mary Pickford plays a little girl. Common thing to do at the time. Harry Langdon played a lad in his later teens in the 1927 dark comedy Long Pants; Olive Thomas played a sixteen-year-old girl in the delightful 1920 The Flapper; Mabel Normand of the excellent comedies The Extra Girl, A Dash Through the Clouds and The Water Nymph played a child in Tomboy Bessie. Lillian Gish, in the same year as her starring role in D. W. Griffith's fine pastoral True Heart Susie, did it in Griffith's superb Broken Blossoms, though they did bump up her character's age from twelve, in the original Thomas Burke short story from Limehouse Nights, to fifteen. Pickford, stretching things further, played a child of ten and eleven in Maurice Tourneur's innovative The Poor Little Rich Girl in 1917, and the public ate it up, and she kept at it.