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Little Sunset

Country: USA

Genre: Drama



The very first dramatic feature length film centered on baseball, and the start of a tradition of American 'baseball movies'. After the death of his mother, Little Sunset is made the Apaches' mascot and Gus becomes his closest confidant. When Sunset falls ill, Gus falls into a depression, and upon being upbraided by the manager for making a foolish play in an important game, the Terrible Swede uses the incident as an excuse to quit the team. This, however, leaves Little Sunset only disillusioned and angry. But Gus returns to win the pennant for the Apaches, thus restoring the faith and friendship of Little Sunset.


  • Based on a 1912 short story by Charles Emmett Van Loan, who in his time was the foremost writer of baseball fiction in America. He is credited in the film as 'Associate Supervisor' - a meaningless title most likely bestowed on the writer in lieu of royalties.
  • The 'Apaches' featured in the film were in fact members of the Pacific Coast League's Venice Team - at the time, California's finest professional baseball players.


Picture for Little Sunset


  • Gordon Griffith
    ('Little Sunset' Jones)
  • Hobart Bosworth
  • Rhea Haines
  • Joe Ray
  • Marshall Stedman

Page Last Modified: 27th March 2022
Page Added: 25th August 2017

Page Views: 4960

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