Tarzan's Fight for Life
Country: USA
Genre: Adventure
Jungle medic Dr. Sturdy is opposed by witch doctor Futa, who regards him as a threat to his own livelihood. Tarzan and his adopted son Tartu enlist the doctor's services on behalf of Jane suffering from appendicitis. Futa hypnotizes a native assistant of Sturdy to murder Jane, but Tarzan thwarts the plot. Learning that the young tribal chief is sick, Tarzan attempts to persuade them to let Sturdy treat them. Seizing his chance, Futa has the ape man taken captive and condemned to death. Tarzan must free himself, save the chief and expose Futa.
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 22nd November 2017
Page Added: 22nd November 2017
Page Views: 3254
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