The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Country: Australia
Two drag-queens and a transexual are hired to perform a drag show at a resort in Alice Springs, a town in the remote Australian outback. They travel there from Sydney aboard their colourful bus, Priscilla. En route, we learn that they have actually been hired by a former wife who now has a 10 year old son.

- Terence Stamp
- Hugo Weaving
- Guy Pearce
- Bill Hunter
- Mark Holmes
(Benji) - Leighton Picken
(Young Adam) - Daniel Kellie
(Young Ralph)
BoyActors Reviews
10 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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It's a cult classic but I didn't care for it. For something in this line, but much better and genuinely hilarious, see the 1978 film La cage aux folles.
My Movie Rating:

barely watchable
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Page Last Modified: 10th December 2007
Page Added: 17th August 2001
Page Views: 21125
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