AKA: Heartstone
Country: Iceland
Genre: Drama
In a small village in rural Iceland, Thor and Christian are best friends whose home lives are unsatisfactory, to say the least. Thor is ruthlessly mocked by his elder sisters, while his mother can't be bothered to hide her frustration at having to sacrifice her pleasure for the sake of her children. While Thor suffers from absentee parenting, Christian's drunken and abusive father is, unfortunately for him, all too present. When the two friends strike up romantic relationships with a pair of girls, the events that follow threaten to destroy the longest and most meaningful relationship either has ever had.
- This film was showered with awards at various film festivals - 35 wins are listed on the movie's IMDb page - including no less than 9 wins at the 2017 Edda Awards in Iceland, where Bl?r Hinriksson won the Actor of the Year award, and Gu?mundur Arnar Gu?mundsson won the awards for Director and Screenplay of the Year.
- Baldur Einarsson
(Þór) - Blær Hinriksson
(Kristján) - Diljá Valsdóttir
- Katla Njálsdóttir
- Søren Malling
- Theodór Pálsson
(Mangi) - Sveinn Sigurbjörnsson
BoyActors Reviews
6 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average Rating: (8.50 / 10)View All Member Reviews/Ratings & Stats
Most recent review listed first
What is it about Icelandic films? They are so depressing and this one about two boys one who finds himself attracted sexually to his best friend only to be rebuffed and his resultant depression. Found the film very absorbing but did wonder about the home life of people in Iceland!
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10This film is unusual in dealing substantially with the non-homosexual youth who is the object of same-sex attraction, and for this it deserves credit as a realistic portrayal. It's a bit of a downer, because everyone seems to be constantly inflicting sexual shame on everyone else - the kids inflict shame on their mother, for example. If only everyone stopped heaping damned sexual shame on each other, everyone could live sane and happy lives...
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10I can see why Christian has an interest in Thor. Thor is not bad looking. But Thor does have other interests and this created some problems between the two who were (and still are) very close friends in spite of these differences. A good film.
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10Page Last Modified: 2nd September 2018
Page Added: 28th August 2016
Page Views: 8716
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