Jingle All the Way
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Arnold Schwarzenegger stars in this hilarious comedy as a father desperate to buy that must-have Christmas toy during a frantic last minute shopping spree on Christmas eve. A frenzied quest that pits him against a stressed-out mailman (Sinbad), a sleazy Santa-impersonator (James Belushi) and every other harried parent in town.

- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Sinbad
- Jake Lloyd
(Jamie Langston) - Phil Hartman
- Rita Wilson
- Robert Conrad
- James Belushi
- Justin Chapman
(Billy) - E.J. de la Pena
(Johnny) - Marcus Toji
(Little Boy With Car Remote) - Danny Pritchett
(Kid In Turbo Man Commercial) - Spencer Klein
(Kid in Turbo Man Commercial)
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Nice to see a pre-Phantom Menace Jake Lloyd.
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Page Last Modified: 31st August 2011
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 9051
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