The 14
AKA: The Wild Little Bunch
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
Set in London's East End, The 14 is based on the true story of fourteen children who struggle against overwhelming pressures to stay together after the death of their single mother.
- Jack Wild [ALUMNUS]
- June Brown
- Liz Edmiston
- John Bailey
- Diana Reevers
- Christian Kelly
(Roy) - Frank Gentry
(Terry) - Peter Newby
(Billy) - Paul Daly
(Freddy) - Richard Heyward
(John) - Terry Ives
(Mick) - Christopher Leonard
(Eugene) - Sean Hyde
(Brian) - Alfons Kaminsky
(Paul) - Wayne Brooks
(David) - Mark Lee Hughes
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Page Last Modified: 18th November 2014
Page Added: 18th November 2014
Page Views: 6801
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