Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Country: USA
Genre: Family Comedy
Alexander's day begins with gum stuck in his hair, followed by more calamities. Though he finds little sympathy from his family and begins to wonder if bad things only happen to him, his mom, dad, brother, and sister all find themselves living through their own terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

- Steve Carrell
- Jennifer Garner
- Ed Oxenbould
(Alexander) - Dylan Minnette [ALUMNUS]
- Kerris Dorsey
- Lincoln Melcher
(Philip Parker) - Reese Hartwig
(Elliot Gibson)
BoyActors Reviews
7 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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A very loose, slapsticky adaptation of Judith Viorst's beloved book. Mainly a vehicle for the adult actors.
My Movie Rating:

Good choice for family time and Ed Oxenbould is excelent

Page Last Modified: 1st February 2015
Page Added: 19th October 2014
Page Views: 6780
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