Bless Me, Ultima
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
In a village in New Mexico, the life of young farm boy Antonio is dramatically changed when an old medicine woman joins his household. This affecting coming-of-age tale recounts Antonio's experiences to reveal the spiritual conflict in his community.

- Luke Ganalon
(Antonio) - Miriam Colon
- Benito Martinez
- Dolores Heredia
- Castulo Guerra
- Diego Miró
(Florence) - Christian Traeumer
(Bones) - Gabriel Solis
(Abel) - Julian Ortega
(Vitamin Kid) - Sebastian Tyler Rose
(Red) - Aaron Ruiz
(Cico) - Juan Martinez
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

Familiar themes, but handsomely mounted production
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 11th December 2015
Page Added: 26th January 2014
Page Views: 6837
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