Room for One More
Country: USA
Genre: Comedy
Since no one else will take them, a fairly well-to-do family decides to adopt two troubled orphans.
- Cary Grant
- Betsy Drake
- Lurene Tuttle
- George Winslow
(Teenie) - Clifford Tatum Jr.
(Jimmy) - Gay Gordon
- Malcolm Cassell
(Tim) - Larry Olsen
(Ben) - Stephen Wootton
(Little Brother)
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Page Last Modified: 6th November 2017
Page Added: 21st July 2013
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A great movie with an all star cast. All the boys were great; its hard to pick a favorite.There was a lesson here that I really like and that is no matter how disabled you are you can excel as long as you put your mind into it. And that lesson caused a teary eye from me as the movie ended.
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10