Hope and Glory
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
Writer Boorman's memories of his bizarre wartime childhood are the basis for this story of an ordinary family living in war-torn England. A semiautobiographical about a nine year old boy as he grows up in London during the blitz of World War 2. For a young boy, this time in history was more of an adventure, a total upheaval of order, restrictions and discipline. The liberating effect of the war on the women left behind. And the joy when Hitler blows up your school.

- Sebastian Rice-Edwards
(Bill Rowen) - Geraldine Muir
- Sarah Miles
- David Hayman
- Ian Bannen
- Nicky Taylor
(Roger) - Colin Dale
(Roger's Gang member)
BoyActors Reviews
22 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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An extremely excellent war film. I will never get tired of watching it. Sebastian has done a super job in this film. A great great actor.

Pretty good. If you liked it, try the book Children of the Blitz, a collection of wartime reminiscences edited by distinguished children's author Robert Westall.
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Interesting film about the freedom that can emerge in the chaos of war. Worth a watch especially for the scenes of Billy in the boat!
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Sebastian Rice-Edwards is one of the best-looking child actors in British cinema without a doubt.
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Page Last Modified: 17th September 2011
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 14877
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