Moonrise Kingdom
Country: USA
A pair of 12-year-old lovers flee their New England town, which causes a local search party to fan out and find them.

- Chandler Frantz
(Gadge) - Jared Gilman
(Sam) - Brude Willis
- Edward Norton
- Tilda Swinton
- Kara Hayward
- Lucas Hedges
(Redford) - Charlie Kilgore
(Lazy Eye) - Andreas Sheik
(Panagle) - Rob Campbell
(Deluca) - L. J. Foley
(Izod) - Gabriel Rush
(Skotak) - Jake Ryan
(Lionel Bishop) - Tanner Flood
(Murry Bishop) - Wyatt Ralff
(Rudy Bishop) - Roman Keitel
- Derek Sardella
(Pigeon Scout) - Tommy Nelson
(Nickleby) - Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick
(Roosevelt) - Jordan Puzzo
( Fort Lebanon Khaki Scout) - Kevin DeCoste [ALUMNUS]
BoyActors Reviews
12 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Same with "Gee" opinion.
My Movie Rating:

Maybe I just don't get on with Anderson's whimsical filmmaking style. This is very well done in its own way, but somehow lacking in heart. Nonetheless, it's a good movie. If you like whimsy and visual fun, go for it.
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Page Last Modified: 16th April 2023
Page Added: 25th November 2012
Page Views: 13017
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