Vyhrávat potichu
Country: Czechoslovakia
Genre: Family
The film revolves around the Czech national sport - soccer. In a small village a devoted father wants to build a real soccer team, even at the expense of families. We also see the dark underbelly of sports passion outside the limelight: not only the prima-donna attitude of successful players, but also the behavior of drunken fans who break all the rules of social coexistence.
- Filip Blazek
(Honza) - Filip Zelezný
(Ondra) - Libuse Kaprálová
- Gabriela Jerábková
- Michaela Flenerova
- Daniela Obdrzálková
- Miroslav Lochman
(Tesil) - Roman Bednár
(Pitrýs) - Jirí Toupal
(Péta) - Pavel Nový
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Page Last Modified: 12th December 2012
Page Added: 9th November 2012
Page Views: 10065
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