Sønner av Norge
AKA: Sons of Norway
Country: Norway
It?s not easy to rebel when your father wants to join the party ... One day (in 1979), Magnus and his son Nikolaj hit the wall in their new terrace house in Rykkinn. Magnus is an architect, hippie and free spirit, a glaring exception in a community where equality and conformity is the norm. He always stands up for his son, supporting him unconditionally, even when Nikolaj decides to stop giving a damn.

- Sven Nordin
- Åsmund Høeg
(Nikolaj) - Sonja Richter
- Johnny Rotten
- Trond Nilssen
- Lars Melsater Rydjord
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Page Last Modified: 24th March 2013
Page Added: 5th October 2012
Page Views: 5472
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