Monsieur Papa
Country: France
Genre: Comedy
Marius, 12, has not seen his father for years and he misses him badly. His mother, a workaholic manager, knows that she will never reconcile with her ex-husband. She must do something to address her son's frustration, but what? She finally has the preposterous idea to hire an unemployed man to play the role of Marius's father. His job will consist in putting the boy off his alleged dad. Of course nothing will go according to plan..
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A sweet film and Gaspard is a cutie.
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Page Last Modified: 24th November 2012
Page Added: 5th August 2012
Page Views: 7114
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Surprisingly good! Deals well with a lot of different social issues. Gaspard Meier-Chaurand shows us some fantastic naturalistic acting. Could make a good dual watch with Il n'y a pas d'amour sans histoires.