Monsieur Lazhar
Country: Canada
Genre: Drama
At a Montr?al public grade school, an Algerian immigrant is hired to replace a popular teacher who committed suicide in her classroom. While helping his students deal with their grief, his own recent loss is revealed.
- Canada's 2012 submission for foreign language Oscar

- Mohamed Fellag
- Émilien Néron
(Simon) - Vincent Millard
(Victor) - Seddik Benslimane
(Abdelmalek) - Louis-David Leblanc
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I felt the story was rushed to finish before 100 mins. I did enjoy the film but wanted more of the kids dealing with daily school life. Everything was wrapped up too neatly.
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I'm a sucker for the teacher / student movies :)
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Page Last Modified: 5th October 2013
Page Added: 11th July 2012
Page Views: 7773
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