The Rainbow Tribe
Country: USA
A rag-tag group of children at a sleep away camp help their counselor overcome a personal crisis.
- David James Elliott
- Grayson Russell
(Calvin) - Noah Munck
(Ryan) - Dalton O'Dell
(Charles) - Max Burkholder
(Boo) - Dennis Volochkov
(Sampson) - Aidan Gould
(Josh) - Taylor Boggan
(Buster) - Harrison Herron
BoyActors Reviews
10 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Extreme disappointment. A "3" only for the cute actors.
My Movie Rating: 3 / 10Page Last Modified: 5th April 2013
Page Added: 9th April 2012
Page Views: 17924
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The bad boys learn that their actions really do matter, change their attitude for the better, and choose decent actions to help people feel better.
The acting was excellent, from all the actors. The cinematography was excellent, showing wonderful scenes (some were computer graphic images (CGI) on some scenes). The score (music) was very good. The casting of the characters (i.e., selection of the actors) was excellent. The script (some call it a screenplay) was in the right direction, showing unruly, rowdy, rude boys learning to listen, watch, choose a good behavior, and then act good. The script could have been refined and honed a little better. Some of the potty humor could be tossed out. The name of the movie was a misnomer (inaccurate); perhaps that is why the movie did not fair so well at the box-office. The name of the film could have been improved (e.g., The North-Cliff Tribe). Overall, it was a fun boys summer camp movie.
Get the family with their young boys, popcorn, Hot Tamales, Mike and Ike, Snickers, 7-UP, and SKOR bars, and have a fun summer movie adventure time. Laughter and fun will most likely result.
My Movie Rating: 9 / 10