The Awakening
Country: UK
Genre: Supernatural, Thriller
Post World War I England, 1921, an author and paranormal skeptic is invited to a countryside boarding school by the head master to investigate rumours of an apparent haunting. But just when she thinks she has debunked the ghost theory, a chilling encounter makes her question all her rational beliefs.

- Rebecca Hall
- Dominic West
- Imelda Staunton
- Isaac Hempstead Wright
(Tom) - Alfie Field
(Victor Parry) - Felix Soper
(Julian Dowden) - Sidney Johnston
(John Franklin)
BoyActors Reviews
10 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Neat and effective. Isaac Hempstead Wright does a good job with his role and Imelda Staunton turns in a great performance as always.
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Good but hard to understand the storyline
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Page Last Modified: 31st March 2013
Page Added: 25th March 2012
Page Views: 13385
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