The Great Ghost Rescue
Country: UK
Genre: Black Comedy
Young Humphrey is a ghost with a big problem. He and his family, the Craggyfords, have been ousted from their home and left without a place to haunt. As they search for new haunting grounds they soon discover that they are not alone. Ghosts from all over the world have been exorcised from their dwellings, with dark castles and ancient buildings being destroyed by the living, and turned into shopping centers. With time running out, Humphrey digs deep inside, and decides to help save his family and the rest of the haunting community by scaring his way to victory.

- Kevin McKidd
- Toby Hall
(Humphrey) - Emma Fielding
- Georgia Groome
- Steven Mackintosh
- Anthony Head
- Ross McCormack
(Dan Burnley) - Otto Farrant
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Page Last Modified: 10th July 2013
Page Added: 20th February 2012
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I had never heard of Toby Hall before this film. It could have been a good storyline but suffered from poor editing and jagged direction. George, the skull, was an annoying nuisance. It was difficult to follow all the characters but good to see that Toby was given lots of screen time. Unfortunately, little is known of this boy actor whom one reviewer had the temerity to describe his part as 'an insufferable lead'. No DVD extras - boo. This usually happens just when you want to know who the boy lead actually is and a bit about him.
My Movie Rating: