Das total verrückte Wunderauto
TV Movie
Country: Germany
Genre: Family
On his birthday, 11 year old orphaned Felix gets a laptop from the only person who cares about him, his neighbor Rasmus. He hopes that Felix will be able to get in contact with his long lost brother over the internet, but during the first connection a small accident happens. A mouse runs over the keyboard and accidentally makes the laptop download a program that awakens an old car and gives that car a soul. Soon the boy and his car are being hunted by the owners of the program, who want to get it back and destroy the car.

- Nikita Wokurka
(Felix) - Henny Reets
- Barnaby Metschurat
- Oliver Nägele
- Thomas Fritsch
- Rocco Bretscher
(Jürgen Blixt)
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Page Last Modified: 18th February 2013
Page Added: 30th December 2011
Page Views: 3708
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