AKA: Hugo Cabret
Country: USA
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery
Hugo Cabret has lost his father and lives alone behind a clock in a Paris station. The main memory he has of his father is him talking about a strange complicated automaton with a heart-shaped key that will set things in motion. One day he runs into a girl with the same heart-shaped key round her neck. By putting the key into the automaton, not only do the pair of them bring it to life, they also kick-start an amazing adventure that will change them both.

- Asa Butterfield
(Hugo Cabret) - Chloë Grace Moretz
- Ben Kingsley
- Sacha Baron Cohen
- Ray Winstone
- Gulliver McGrath
(Young Tabard) - Shaun Aylward
(Street Kid) - Ed Sanders [ALUMNUS]
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Well made movie, although Asa didn't seem to stand out.
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Page Last Modified: 31st August 2020
Page Added: 12th December 2011
Page Views: 10207
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Based on the 500+ page graphic novel, this movie clocks in at 2.5 hours, though the central mystery is resolved long before that. It seems that once a director becomes enough of a "name," the studios are hesitant to tell him to cut down the running time.
Both leads come from rather posh backgrounds which I think explains why some see their acting as artificial -- they have a lot of training, so their performances lack a certain authentic spark. Butterfield has a striking appearance that always commands attention. Moretz is a minor talent who even in 2011 was clearly being cultivated as a future Hollywood star.
The story itself is interesting and serves as a solid introduction to film history for children.
My Movie Rating: