A Feast at Midnight
Country: UK
Genre: Comedy
A new student at a British public school forms a secret society centered around cooking and midnight feasting with other school misfits and outcasts.

- Freddie Findlay
(Magnus) - Aled Roberts
(Goff) - Andrew Lusher
- Christopher Lee
- Robert Hardy
- Jordan Ruffell
(Mee) - Stuart Hawley
(Bathurst) - Harry Stapleton
(Pears) - Tom Radcliffe
(Burkhart) - Jake Meyer
(Luerssen) - John Hurley
(Cabbie) - Edward Hassard
(Cubitt) - Dominic Dowbekin
(Williams) - Matthew Blakiston
BoyActors Reviews
10 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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A rather slight affair, a little overlong, with some rather thin characters. The sort of film one watches once and then will never bother viewing again. Perhaps I'm being too harsh. It has some good moments of wry humour, and is at least partially redeemed by Freddie Findlay being a good actor.
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Unusual stuff -- below the Boys' Own japes there is an antinomian streak and a tinge of dark humour. Freddie Findlay is great.
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Page Last Modified: 19th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 13089
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A movie that's quite tasty (pardon the pun). Freddie did a great job in this film which makes it that much enjoyable.