Darkness Falls
Country: Australia
Genre: Thriller
When he was a young boy, Kyle claimed that while he was sleeping, he accidentally woke up and saw the Tooth Fairy, who tried to kill him. Since then, he was considered crazy by everyone in town, except for his childhood girlfriend, Caitlin, and her younger brother. But now, Hell is coming back as that black haired, winged creature of doom that Kyle described is coming back to town. And she's not leaving without Caitlin's brother...

- Chaney Kley
- Emma Caulfield
- Lee Cormie
(Michael Greene) - Grant Piro
- Sullivan Stapleton
- Joshua Anderson
(Young Kyle Walsh) - Daniel Daperis
(Young Larry Fleishman) - Aaron Gazzola
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I do think it is a good movie.Lee cormy is good.
My Movie Rating:

A decent suspence thriller, but not a must see, it has a fair amount of boy time, Lee does well, don't let your kids see this film, it will make them fear the tooth fairy!
Over all, it was watchable because of Lee!
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 15th October 2011
Page Added: 15th October 2011
Page Views: 6933
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