Diabólica malicia
AKA: What the Peeper Saw
Genre: Thriller
A widowed English writer brings a young, glamorous new bride to his bleak, isolated home in rural Spain. She soon becomes obsessed with her 12-year old stepson, who she learns has just been expelled from school for mysterious offenses; while the boy enjoys, exploits, and feeds her increasing paranoia about him. That he is a brilliant and lonely child is obvious. But is he the victim of a neurotic woman's overwrought imagination-- in Shakespeare's words, the innocent flower, or the serpent under it?
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Bizarre but interesting, and hey, Mark Lester!
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An intense performance by Mark! one of my all time favorite actors! I loved the scene where Paul (Dad) kisses him on the mouth! you just don't see that nowadays! Mark looked much older than 12 to me, but nontheless very hansome! I have waited many years to see this movie, I don't believe I've ever seen it before! and oldy but goodie!
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Mark Lester was great
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Page Last Modified: 29th September 2011
Page Added: 29th September 2011
Page Views: 8984
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