Country: Italy
Genre: Drama
An eligible widow vacations in Venice with her young son. When Thulin begins a tentative romance with friendly John Saxon, her resentful son runs away from home and gets into trouble, falling in with a gang of hooligans. Eventually the harsh realities of street life teach the youngster some valuable lessons.
- English
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- Paolo Colombo
(Agostino) - Ingrid Thulin
- John Saxon
- Mario Bartoletti
- Aldo Bussaglia
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

Unusual film based on Alberto Moravia's novel. Beautiful photography and a talented young star in Paolo Colombo.

This was such a great film! A Must See film! I only wish I had seen it on the big silver screen.

Paolo Colombo as Agostino in a splendid film by Mauro Bolognini. Ingrid Thulin plays the mother in an almost erotic fashion, reminiscent of Maj Zetterling's 'Nattlek' which by the way was filmed four years later!
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 14th September 2011
Page Added: 13th September 2011
Page Views: 11435
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