Ticking Clock
Country: USA
A reporter stumbles upon the journal of a murderer, and investigates on his own, finding that every trail leads to a 9-year-old orphan living in a group home.

- Coba Gooding, Jr
- Neal McDonough
- Austin Abrams
(James) - Yancey Arias
- Dane Rhodes
- Tyler Humphrey
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I enjoyed this film. I found it original and well written. The acting way above average.
My Movie Rating:

Austin Abrams is excellent in this film. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a lot of screen time.
Pretty good thriller with a futuristic twist. Also stars Cuba Gooding Jr. and Neal McDonough.
Very well made. Worth a look just to see Austin Abrams.
My Movie Rating:

Extremely poorly plotted. Austin Abrams doesn't show up until 2/3's of the way through the movie.
My Movie Rating:

Austin Abrams doesn't get a lot of screen time. He could do well as an actor.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 21st April 2013
Page Added: 26th January 2011
Page Views: 11019
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